Power Meter - PM800

Power Meter - PM800

Category: Others Series


PowerLogic power-monitoring units PM800 series power meter

Product Description

The PowerLogic™ PM800 series meters offers many high-performance capabilities needed to meter and monitor an electrical installation in a compact 96 x 96 mm unit. All models include an easy-to-read display that presents measurements for all three phases and neutral at the same time, an RS-485 Modbus communication port, one digital input, one KY-type digital output, total harmonic distortion (THD) metering, and alarming on critical conditions. Four models offer an incremental choice of custom logging and power quality analysis capabilities. Expand any model with field-installable option modules that offer a choice of additional digital inputs and outputs, analog inputs and outputs, and Ethernet port.

  • Panel instrumentation.
  • Sub-billing, cost allocation and energy management
  • Remote monitoring of an electrical installation
  • Power quality analysis
  • Utility bill verification, utility contract optimization and load preservation.
Power logic PM800 with remote display


Easy to install
Mounts using two clips, with no tools required. Direct connect the voltage inputs, with no need for potential transformers (PTs) up to 600 VAC.
Easy to operate
Intuitive navigation with self-guided, language-selectable menus.
System status at a glance
Large, anti-glare display with back-light provides summary screens with multiple values. Bar charts graphically represent system loading and I/O.
Custom alarming with time stamping
Over 50 alarm conditions, including over or under conditions, digital input changes, phase unbalance and more. The models PM850 and PM870 offer boolean logic that can be used to combine up to four alarms.
Power quality analysis
The PM800 series offers an incremental range of features for troubleshooting and preventing power quality related problems. All models offer THD metering. The PM810 with PM810LOG option and PM820 offer individual current and voltage harmonics readings. The PM850 and PM870 offer waveform capture (PM870 is configurable) and power quality compliance evaluation to the international EN50160 standard. The PM870 offers voltage and current disturbance (sag/swell) detection.
Extensive on-board memory
All models offer billing (energy and demand), maintenance, alarm and customizable data logs, all stored in non-volatile memory (PM810 requires PM810LOG option).
Active Energy IEC 62053-22 class 0.5S
Accurate energy measurement for sub-billing and cost allocation.
IEC61557-12 performance standard
Meets PMD/SD/K70/0.5 and PMD/SS/K70/0.5 requirements for combined Performance Measuring and monitoring Devices (PMD).
Trend curves and short-term forecasting
The models PM850 and PM870 offer trend logging and forecasting of energy and demand readings to help compare load characteristics and manage energy costs.
Expandable I/O capabilities
Use the on-board or optional digital inputs for pulse counting, status/position monitoring, demand synchronisation or control (gating) of the conditional energy metering. Use the on-board or optional digital outputs for equipment control or interfacing, controllable by internal alarms or externally through digital input status. Use the optional analog inputs and outputs for equipment monitoring or interfacing.
Metering of other utilities (WAGES)
All models offer five channels for demand metering of water, air, gas, electricity or steam utilities (WAGES) through the pulse counting capabilities of the digital inputs. Pulses from multiple inputs can be summed through a single channel.
Modular and upgradeable
All models offer easy-to-install option modules (memory, I/O and communications) and downloadable firmware for enhanced meter capabilities.
Remote display
The optional remote display can be mounted as far as 10 m from the metering unit. The adapter includes an additional 2- or 4-wire RS-485/RS-232 communication port.

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