QI-POWER-485-300 Single Phase AC / DC Energy Meter

QI-POWER-485-300 Single Phase AC / DC Energy Meter

Category: QEED



Using a serial link RS485-USB you can connect the QI-POWER-485-300 with the interface program FACILE QI-POWER-485. Using this software, allows you to set the Modbus address, baudrate, delay, the TV and TA ratio, to modify a filter in order to have fastest responce time instead of a more stable measurement (filter range from 1-speed to 5-accuracy) and to measure frequency on current channel instead of voltage channel . You can download the FACILE QI-POWER-485 free of charge from our website www.qeed.it (section Products / Download Software). A second way to programming the QI-POWER-485-300 is by using the Modbus Register Map directly. Download it from our website: www.qeed.it (section Products / Dowload Software/ Facile QI-POWER-485 or section Products / Network Analyzers ). MOUNTING: the Power Meter QI-POWER-485-300 can be mounted in any position (see photo below), horizontal or vertical mounting, horizontal or vertical through the two. If you want to set the device by FACILE QI-POWER-485 set the dips in 0. If you want to set by RS485 directly, set the first dip to 1 (up) then use the second dip for baudrate setting (0 for 9600 or 1 for 38400). After the settings, please save the configuration by the COMMAND register, then switch off the power supply, before to switch on the power supply set the DIPS in 0.


The free interface program FACILE QI-POWER-485 is the fastest way to configure the device. There is only one configuration screen (see picture shown). The changes made to the program act on the register of the QI-POWER-485-300, if you want to restore the default configuration, just press the button FACTORY DEFAULT.


allows the selection of the measure RMS or DC only to define the sign, positive or negative, of reading.

it is possible to activate the saving of the counters directly on the device’s flash memory .

in case you would use the CT and / or VT, you can define the transformation ratio for the current input and voltage input, the default ratio is 1:1.

allows you to insert a filter on reading in order to get more speed in responding (value 1) or a more stable and accurate measurement (value 5 ), by default the value is set to 2. You can choose between intermediate values already set or manually enter the desired filter by choosing the CUSTOM option from the menu, in this case, you can set the following parameters: filtering in DC, filtering in AC (default value 5), Frequency measurament on Current channel.

(mA): Allow you to set the minimum current value (Cut off). Under this value the device measure Zero.

Allow you to set the minimum power value (Cut off). Under this value the device measure Zero.

Network Analyzer / Bidirectional Energy / Data Logger / Current Transformers / RS485 / Qeed / Digital Contact / Modbus Communication. QI-Power-485-300 from Saturn Pyro is the best available in Malaysia. High performance and cost effective Power Meter, can transform ratio for CT and VT. Available in Penang, KL, Selangor, Johor, Sabah, Sarawak & anywhere in Malaysia & Singapore.

Saturn Pyro provides reliable engineering services such Electrical Safety Survey, Power System Studies (Short Circuit, Load Flow & Protection Discrimination on ETAP), Arc Flash Assessment & Labeling, Design Of Earthing & Lightning Protection, Measurement Of Touch & Step potentials, Power Quality Management, Energy Audit and Data Center Performance Assessment. We also provides Electrical Safety Survey such as Inspection of an electrical installation, Identification of risk (electrical hazards), Review of documentation, operations & maintenance procedures, contingency planning, Generation of report in details of risk potentials and plan for mitigation, Closing report post implementationas. Available in Pulau Pinang, Johor, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Selangor and anywhere in Malaysia / Singapore / Bangalore / India / Mumbai.

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